Dear Media, We’re The Employers Of The Red Hat And We Want To Be Interviewed.

eMMe Lecos
2 min readJan 22, 2017

Dear Press Corps,

I and millions (this is fact not alternative reality), of my sisters marched all over the world. We were joined by our brothers, husbands, son’s, daughters, boss’, spiritual advisers, and neighbors. There are millions who marched in big cities and small towns from California, through the heartland, and to the east coast of our country.

Interview US.

We have something to say and we won’t fabricate, disseminate, create delusion or more accurately put — lie. Me and my millions of friends are disgusted. We’re appalled at the level of depravity, inhumanity, and outright insanity of the temporary employees in our beloved White House.

Today they lied about how many people didn’t celebrate the inauguration of our nation’s new hire. I know they are lying because I was at the event. I saw how many citizens weren’t in D.C. to welcome the new employee on his first day at work; the empty Metro cars, the deserted restaurants, the stragglers on the echoing streets of the city.

Oh sure there was a circus-like atmosphere that was created by the hundreds of protesters blocking checkpoints, the dozens making bank off delusion by selling platform product to mindless consumers, and the hate spewed by our new hire’s supporters leveled at anyone not white, speaking English or red hatted.

There were a few hundred thousand red hats; the wealthy dressed to the nines in designer clothes, and wearing accompanying red billboard swag declaring their allegiance to more…more money, more abhorrent behavior, more hate, more insanity, more, more more. They were accompanied by those who attended the inauguration as though it were a cage fight and first blood had been drawn, their hoots and howls a chilling backdrop to the joy-frenzy-froth that oozed up the sidewalk alongside them. I went home frightened for our country.

The next day I marched with millions of my sisters across the world and I am no longer frightened. I saw love and truth. Honesty and commitment. Heart and soul. We stood together and we found solidarity. After a long, ugly year of travesty, we again felt hope.

No lies here. We are the current employers of the red hat in the White House. There are millions that showed up the day after the inauguration to remind our new temp that this is our country and we don’t like how he or his staff are acting. Come interview us. We’d be happy to fill the hours on television, radio, podcasts, and in print media, with the truth.

**also published on The Huffington Post



eMMe Lecos

Metaphor-wrangler. Story-teller. One day, mourners will roast marshmallows on my funeral pyre while dancing to Queen and singing the good bits.